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A Begginer's Guide to Integratin Technology

Jackson, Lorrie (2005). “A Beginner's Guide to Integrating Technology.” Education World. http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/tech130.shtml The article, “A Beginner's Guide to Integrating Technology,” by Lorrie Jackson is mainly for teachers who have little knowledge on how to integrate technology in the classroom. Jackson states that using technology in the classroom does not mean that the teacher replaces what she teaches, but it is used as a tool to enhance the teaching. “Integrating technology simply means using computers within the existing curriculum.” Jackson gives several tips on determining how to integrate technology into the curriculum. First, the teacher takes a quick assessment of where she is in terms of technology followed by an assessment of her resources. It is important that the teacher knows what are the students’ skills and attitudes as well as her skills and attitudes towards technology. She also needs to know if she has access to computers and resources such as software and training. Next, the teacher needs to set goals and plan accordingly. In order to accomplish those goals, she must find peers who already integrate technology and learn from them; and finally, she needs to get informed by visiting professional organizations’ Websites regularly. The next step is to get trained. Most schools or districts offer technology training for free. According to Jackson, once the teacher is motivated enough and feels comfortable with technology, she is ready for integration. Jackson’s suggestion is to take one step at a time. One-way is to begin using technology to manage the class: grading, patent-teacher communication via e-mail and surfing the Internet for lesson plans. As the teacher feels comfortable, she introduces one content area at a time and hand picks relevant, age appropriate Web sites such as 42eXplore, Education World site reviews, Ed Index, and Motivate While You Integrate Technology: Online Assessment. Lastly, the teacher must learn to determine when technology helps and when technology might hinder learning and plan accordingly. I enjoyed the simplicity of the article, “A Beginner's Guide to Integrating Technology.” It provides great ideas on how to surf the Internet to find age appropriate activities for the classroom. The article is geared toward teachers who are new to computers and feel uncomfortable integrating technology in the classroom. Yet, seasoned teachers can also benefit by visiting some of the Web sites that the author provides. I visited some of the Web sites that Lorrie Jackson recommends and they are filled with activities and lesson plans for elementary, secondary and special education. These are two examples of Web sites that I visited and liked: http://school.discovery.com/quizcenter/quizcenter.html and http://www.pitt.edu/~poole/tableRef.htm. There was a lesson on language arts that caught my fancy and I will incorporate in my lesson plans. I am determined to learn how to make better use of technology in my classroom. I am aware of the great benefits that my students will gain by it. But more important, I can make teaching more fun and meaningful!

Erlinda - The best example of the benefit of this article to your intregration of technology is that inspired you to visit some web sites and you found a lesson that fast that you will be using. Awesome!

August 28, 2006, 12:00 am [ report as inappropriate ]

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