Binge Drinking DVD
Irresponsible behavior and alcohol just don't mix, and drinking too much too fast can be deadly. Learn the truth about alcohol so you will be able to understand how dangerous this substance can be. You'll see how your liver processes alcohol and understand how long it takes to process an alcoholic beverage. Find out what you should do if you ever happen to be with someone who has developed acute alcohol poisoning. Every teen needs to see this very important, no-nonsense video. The learning objectives for this DVD include: Students will learn that alcohol is a drug and that the liver can process only a small amount of it in an hour's time. Students will understand why women are more affected by a given amount of alcohol than men are. Irresponsible drinking behavior and its potentially tragic consequences are addressed. Students will learn about the signs of acute alcohol poisoning and they will see what they should do if they are with someone who has drunk too much. Runtime: 19 mins
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