I Kissed Dating Goodbye Book
This book addresses the practical issues that single people are faced with. Reading by yourself, or with a group, Josh's lessons and advice get to the heart of romance and relationships. In part one, he covers love, and gives a heart-piercing message about practicing love as God defines it, sincere and selfless. In part two, he covers purity, which is a practical message on how to live a lifestyle of purity in an age of compromise. In part three, he covers trust, with an inspiring and humorous message about placing trust in god and waiting for romance. Finally, in part four, he covers how to have a realistic, biblical view of marriage, how to find the qualities you want in a life partner, and how to go from friendship to matrimony.
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mubashir khatri
A bad date is a place you don't want to be. It's no one's fault, yet no matter how well you seem to get on online, you can easily find yourself in a public place with a stranger having a real struggle with simple conversation. What should you do? How to talk to your child about relationships
March 24, 2021, 9:10 am
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