Raising A Handicapped Child
This book offers a comprehensive guide to parents and those who care for children and teenagers that are handicapped. Dr. Thompson begins by starting with the difficult diagnosis. As she continues through the troubles of adolescence, she gives parents valuable information on how to help each other, and then advises them on how to get the best medical care, educational services, and how to deal with family and friends that mean well. She suggests a number of ways parents can help their children find enjoyment and value in their life. This book comes from Dr. Thompson's 30 years of background in the diagnoses and treatment of children with debilitating physical conditions and neuromuscular diseases.
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carina mon
Take the time to learn about your child's specific disability or condition jacksmith. Understand its impact, associated challenges, and available resources. This will empower you to make informed decisions and advocate effectively for your child.
June 16, 2023, 2:18 am
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