What In The World Are Our Kids Doing Online?
This complete guide gives you everything you need to know to deal with the parenting issues that new technology requires, and gives you the tools to allow you to protect your children. It also shows you how to keep up with the internet and current computer technology, even if you're technically challenged. You'll also learn how to protect your child from cyber-bullies and sexual predators, monitor your child's online activity, recognize the danger signs in your child's socializing sites like MySpace, and understand the secret language of texting, instant messaging, e-mail, and chat rooms. By keeping your child healthy and teaching them proper on-line study skills, you'll help them develop healthy friendships, both on and offline. As a parent, you need to set rules about the internet to your child's age and developmental stage, and most important, know when to turn off the computer.
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Douglas Rafferty
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October 7, 2021, 5:26 am
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